Fallout 4 dropped two days ago. We're already seeing news of glitches, mods, reviews, moans, rants and personal journeys from the Wasteland. It's amazing how much information can circulate in two days. Fortunately, most of the Fallout 4 news is positive and crawling the wasteland is once again, an awesome experience.
I went to a midnight launch of Fallout 4 at GAME in Chesterfield, England. I was lucky enough to get my hands on the Pipboy Edition on the Playstation 4 too. Here are all of the pictures from the evening as well as the video. Drop me a comment and let me know some of your tales from the Wasteland. My full review will be up in the coming weeks! Do you want to be a part of my Fallout 4 community review? For details of the Fallout 4 Community review, click here and get involved. -Gemma (thanks to Jess for the shots)
By Gemma ~ @Juicygamereviews
Bethesda launched their first E3 presentation and stunned the gaming world by delivering some of the most anticipated news from deep within the Bethesda vault. Doom and Fallout 4 were some of the more anticipated titles that fans were eager to see and learn about the intricate details and boy was it worth the wait! Let’s take a nose dive in to some of those highlights and pick out some of the Juicy details from Doom, Fallout 4, Dishonored 2 and more.
By now we should all know that Hyrule Warriors is not a typical Zelda game in the sense that there is no dungeon crawling. This is a spin off game that mimics the Dynasty Warrior franchise, an awesome, tactical, fast paced action series. The aim is to take over points of the map, thus eliminating enemy lines. Hyrule Warriors adds in all of the familiar characters and scenery that I have loved since discovering Link in the 90s. Hyrule field, Epona and a stack of characters that I love. Hyrule Warriors is a refreshing break for the Wii U. A break that I have longed for since the start of the console. So what is great about this game? Hyrule Warriors is top heavy with nostalgia from previous Zelda titles. My personal favourites were the Deku Tree and Gohma. When I saw the Deku Tree it reminded me of the first time I saw this mammoth tree in Ocarina Of Time. Oh what a quality moment of my gaming history. The Deku Tree looked just as gorgeous as it did back in Ocarina; mystical, grand and peaceful. The developers did a great job in conveying the nostalgia. Hyrule Warriors currently has 13 playable characters with a further three confirmed as playable in future free DLC. This breaks down as 10 characters from the Hero category and 3 from the enemies. Naturally, my favourite was Link. I found Link to be posses a better range of weapons and abilities. The magic Fire Rod in particular felt powerful. Other hero characters were active on the battlefield alongside me. I'm usually skeptical of a team approach but I felt indifferent about it in Hyrule Warriors. I was annoyed to learn that if one of your characters died then the game ended and I had to start form the last save. That's a definite pain in the backside aspect of the game that forced me to change my tactics. My team seemed to do the exact same thing if I had to repeat a part of a mission. As soon as I changed my tactic (for example back tracked to an area to help other characters) I was able to proceed. That made me question the point of being part of a team? On the plus side, the other characters proved to be an asset at times. You guys may hold a different view. Battle mechanics. Oh battle mechanics! I used the game pad to play Hyrule Warriors which is never my preferred choice. I think I would have preferred the standard controller (must purchase one). As soon as I learnt each move I felt more confident. Battles were not as simple as button mashing at first but I felt as though I'd evolved to this after the second mission. Having returned to the game over and over, I found myself having to relearn the controls each time. This may seem trivial to you and I suppose it varies from person to person. However, I'm nit usually as forgetful. I would have preferred a button mashing approach of that in Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls. This was a minor hiccup from my Hyrule experience which has left me wanting to try it with a standard controller. Other cool aspects of Hyrule Warriors can be found in the mini quests of collecting the gold Skulltula's. Skultula's popped up randomly during play. Again, I liked this slice of nostalgia. The developers did a great job in delivering this. ![]() Hyrule Warriors was a satisfying journey through familiar ground. The best parts are the cross overs to previous Zelda games. Despite this, I am looking forward to dragging my Master Sword back through the dungeons when The Legend of Zelda is released in 2015. I'd rate Hyrule Warriors an 8 out of 10. Don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel and check out some awesome affiliates for all of your gaming and Zelda merchandise essentials. NOOOOO!!!! Dragon Age Inquisition has now been delayed!!!! Luckily it is only for one month. I first heard this news via IGN and my stomach dropped. I thought "oh great, another E3 announcement title delayed for a fucking year" which does happen from time to time. However, as soon as they said "for one month" I felt more at ease. With this in mind I wanted to dissect the Dragon Age Inquisition Game Play Series demo's that can be found on the Dragon Age YouTube channel. There are two videos released in Alpha format that I have been watching avidly. As a HUGE fan of Bioware's series, Dragon Age, I am full of anticipation when it comes to Inquisition's release. Mike Laidlaw, creative director of Inquisition, guides us through the demo and boasts that Dragon Age Inquisition "is larger than the entire play space than Dragon Age Origins". Naturally, I would expect this particularly as we are firmly in to the 'next gen era' of consoles. The path we take, as the Quinari Mage is an overland journey. A journey that I believe showcases some stunning environments. We are headed towards Redcliffe Village and so push our way through a multi terrain littered with cliffs, trees, shrubbery and intermittent danger. Mike Laidlaw calls this "The World Master System". A system that is dynamic depending on how we choose to interact with the environment. Again, I must stress that I would expect this from an Role Playing Game so this detail does not "WOW" me. I have always been fond of the leadership abilities in battle and in plight in the previous two Dragon Age games. Inquisition continues to adopt this popular trait whereby players can command their team in to a strategic battle form. I am content with this. There's nothing better than planning your next attack to move forward. I enjoyed seeing this within the Alpha build game play demo. With this, the battle scenes looked busy and exciting. I found it slightly frustrating though as I did not understand the interface of the commands. On the flip side, I found this to be a 'gaming tease' as it is something that I look forward to learning about once the game is released in November 2014. What would a Dragon Age game be without........ A DRAGON?! In the first alpha game play video Mike Laidlaw commented "Dragons are so large that we've changed the way you target them. Individually attacking their limbs and tails..." GREAT! This looked and sounded great. The High Dragon shown in the Alpha demo occupied over SIX minutes of a sixteen minute video. Obviously, Bioware want us to TAKE NOTE! The ordeal that ensued in this fight seemed punishing but appetizing enough to make me want to jump straight in a play. In the second video, we start off in Redcliffe Castle. Instantly I notice how dark, bleak and dangerous the environment appeared. This was a stark contrast to the first video in which we are greeted by the greenery of Inquisitions appeal. I see exactly why the developers made the distinction in the videos. Naturally, it makes sense to show us players a multitude of pastures. The two videos were released three days apart SO my next point could be entirely coincidental: I found that the graphics in the second demo to have looked MUCH more refined in terms of textures and frame rate. Can anyone tell a difference or is it just me? Let me know in the comments. The picture below shows an example of the graphics in a character close up from the second Alpha Demo video. I thoroughly enjoyed viewing the Alpha Game Play demos of Dragon Age Inquisition. Yes, we have to wait ONE MONTH longer but the wait will be wholeheartedly worth it. For now, I am going to continue to enjoy the new demo releases.
You can pre-order Dragon Age Inquisition from this affiliates link and enjoy FREE delivery to the USA, Canada, Australia and the UK.
Over the last few days, I have been amazed at what The Electronic Entertainment Expo 2014 had served on to our gaming plates. Yes, a tasty menu of games is upon us and Far Cry 4 was amongst some of the most exciting titles I had seen.
So what do we know? I want to take some time to answer that question and hopefully excite you as to what adventure lays before you from DEEP within the jungle. Far Cry 4 is set against a Himalayan backdrop within a place called Kyrat. Game play footage from E3 showed just how delicious Kyrat looked with its fluttering prayer flags that added a splash of tasteful colour as we passed by. Himalayan Mountain ranges naturally stood in the distance. I wondered how far we are going to be able to venture, up to, in to or over them? This was a great tease from Ubisoft. As I have many stamps in my own passport from South East Asia I am used to seeing both Buddhist and Hindu shrines and temples littered within the Angkorian jungles of Cambodia and on the busy roadsides of Bangkok. As Far Cry 4 adopts a Himalyan setting, I was expecting to see the boastful, glowing sandstone structures of temples and BOY DID WE SEE THAT! Yes, it would appear to me that Ubisoft have, yet again, captured an enchanting environment for gamers to explore. I am excited to see more in November.
So who exactly are we and why are we traversing the mysticism of Kyrat? We are Ajay Ghayle, a man who had traveled to his native home to scatter his mothers ashes. But that is too easy! Ajay finds himself caught in the middle of a civil war. HERE is our gaming formula: Himalyan beauty + Civil War and jungle Warfare x Innocent civilian = Far Cry 4 Here I am assuming that the story shall evolve with 'revenge' as Ajay's motivator to progress, explore and develop his skills. Yes, revenge!! Ubisoft showed us footage of Ajay's bus being ambushed by (of whom I perceived to be) Guerrilla fighters. With a few rounds being pumped his way, a nasty bastard in a bright purple suit talking rather sadistically and a few items set on fire, I predict Ajay will be incredibly pissed off! ![]()
The game developers of Far Cry 4 have announced new features from the games predecessor, Far Cry 3. We will now be more under threat from nature (as if we weren't already) as aerial attacks pose a threat to the player. Naturally, we'll need to be more vigilant. I like the sound of this as it equates to A challenge! What else, a grapple hook, a cross bow, the ability to kick items toward an enemy, drive and shoot AND (my personal favourite) driving takedowns. To top this off, I want to mention a point that struck me as I analyzed the game play footage. Sound effects. These have been an integral part of my likability of previous Far Cry games. The sound of the rope tightening as Ajay clings to it mid-swing or the delicate parts of a clip clinking against other parts of a gun as Ajay reloads his weapon. In my opinion, THIS aspect is an under-reported yet satisfying trait of Far Cry. I instantly noticed this in Far Cry 4 and I LOVE IT!
Far Cry 4 had pushed my expectations beyond belief with my next point. A point that received the loudest roar from the crowd at E3! Players will be able to invite their PSN friends in to their game EVEN if they do not own a copy of the game! Erm...mind blown! This point also had a good reception when I announced it on my 'TheGebs24' Facebook page. So I guess that is minds blown right?
Far Cry 4 is set for Worldwide release on November 18th 2014 and will be available on Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC and I cannot wait! Gemma ~ Juicy Game Reviews |
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