Guest Blog by Todd M @The Top Loader
Mario is missing ... where is the star of our show? Wait, surely I'm in the wrong game because this is Luigi's Mansion. I was so wrong about the Gamecube - and Luigi - I never gave him a second thought as he always comes in second, always player 2 and never player 1. The Gamecube looked liked child's play as the launch line up looked horrific because while Mario was getting suited up with a fludd stuck to his back, Luigi is left to clean up the mansion with a vacuum strapped to his back and it sure ain't sunshine's and rainbows where he is because Luigi is moving around like a shivering, thumbling bumbling mess, but we are here to have fun so use that Poltergust 3000 and suck it up. He seems to need help, so who's he gonna call as his nose bounces when he walks and sings out for Mario when he finally talks. Boo-who you can't simply look away to stop these kinds of ghosts so try throwing a light onto the subject to really get these hearts pounding as we scare some ghosts to beat them at there own game with this C-stick in one hand and the D-pad in the other with a little Z on top.
So what's the story here? Well after owning Sony consoles for almost a decade I tried my luck with a Gamecube.. no, I mean Luigi won a mansion from a contest he never entered.. now that's lucky if not a little suspicious. My Gamecube's story was a little lucky because I got my console with three games for 100 Australian dollars (the price of a game) which sounds a little suspicious but true because .. it bombed here bad. My fondest memory is playing this with my wife over ten years ago, she loved it so much and she isn't really that into games the way I am. I even let her deal with the final boss - on her own - and now ten years later here we are again finding keys in treasure chests, working out puzzles, looking at maps while collecting hearts .. wait, what .. are we playing Zelda here? No, well What am I doing because I don't have a Cluedo of what to do here, well it's elementary my dear reader if you find the candle stick in the library all fingers would point to Colonel Mustard .. not to play detective in a game by the Parker Brothers in a game with Mario brothers - but you get the idea. The clues are found around the place and you have to solve each room with its accompanying ghost with something a little obvious or sometimes finding a not so obvious way into their heart .
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